Russia’s Marine Corps reinforced by armored units — commander

Military & Defense November 25, 2022, 10:21

It is reported that in early 2022, over 20 upgraded T-80BVM tanks arrived for Russia’s Marine Corps

MOSCOW, November 25. /TASS/. The Russian Navy’s marine infantry formations are presently being reinforced with armored units, Navy Deputy Commander-in-Chief Lieutenant-General Viktor Astapov said on Friday.

"Today the marine infantry’s combat potential is being augmented through improvements in the organizational and staff structure of units and formations by way of complementing them with armored and electronic warfare units and unmanned aerial vehicles, delivering new and upgrading operational weapon systems," the general said in an interview with the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper on the occasion of the 317th anniversary of Russia’s Marine Corps that will be celebrated on November 27.

All the Russian marine units are outfitted with advanced armaments and military equipment, he stressed.

In early 2022, over 20 upgraded T-80BVM tanks arrived for Russia’s Marine Corps, he said.

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