London’s insinuations against Russia spoil climate for dialogue — Russian intelligence SVR

Military & Defense December 02, 2021, 18:33

The SVR recalled that recently Moore made a speech at the International Institute for Strategic Studies to declare, among other things, that a threat to peace seen "through the lens" of MI6, came from "China, Russia, Iran and international terrorism"

MOSCOW, December 2. /TASS/. The latest insinuations by the chief of Britain’s foreign intelligence MI6 Richard Moore have largely spoiled the climate for a possible dialogue, the press-bureau of the Russian foreign intelligence SVR said on Thursday.

The SVR recalled that just recently Moore made a speech at the International Institute for Strategic Studies to declare, among other things, that a threat to peace seen "through the lens" of MI6, came from "China, Russia, Iran and international terrorism."

"Political scientists in all countries held their breath in anticipation, looking forward to spy novel-style revelations about Moscow’s plans for remaking the world. To their disappointment there followed London’s unconfirmed and unproven cliches: Salisbury, interference in democratic processes in Europe, military campaigns in Africa and Syria, Navalny, cyber-attacks, ‘such as the SolarWinds cyber intrusion … attributed to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service’ and Moscow’s role in destabilizing Ukraine. Lastly, there came a phrase that deserves to be quoted as it is: 'Russia ceasing its destabilizing activity would enable us to focus on common threats, and address Russian legitimate interests through dialogue’," the Russian foreign intelligence said.

"What kind of dialogue can be on the agenda? After such provocative and groundless insinuations about Moscow’s aggressive policies towards Kiev, cyberattacks, and other hackneyed charges the climate for a possible dialogue is seriously spoiled," the SVR’s press bureau said.

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