Russia ready to respond, if US warship ventures into its Black Sea waters — senator

Military & Defense November 01, 2021, 18:24

As the Vice Speaker of the Federation Council pointed out, the US warship’s joint operation with NATO forces in the Black Sea was a provocation that should be viewed in conjunction with the developments in southeastern Ukraine

MOSCOW, November 1. /TASS/. Russia is ready for countermeasures, if a US warship ventures into its territorial maritime waters and stages a provocation in the Black Sea, Vice Speaker of the Federation Council (the upper house of Russia’s parliament) Konstantin Kosachev told the Rossiya-24 TV Channel on Monday. 

"Countermeasures are possible but I am certain that they will be used only when and if the Americans begin crossing the red lines and provoking the Russian fleet in the region, begin crossing our territorial maritime borders and entering our territorial waters. We have repeatedly demonstrated the Russian side’s resolve on this score. And, naturally, we will be ready to do that in this situation," the senior Russian senator said.

As Kosachev pointed out, the US warship’s joint operation with NATO forces in the Black Sea was a provocation that should be viewed in conjunction with the developments in southeastern Ukraine.

"Beyond a doubt, this is a provocation. Moreover, it is far from the first one. This is taking place with the participation of these same combat ships now that the situation in southeastern Ukraine, in Donbass, is escalating because the Ukrainian side is obviously preparing a combat military operation," he stressed.

The United States is interested in Russia’s countermeasures as this will enable the Americans to justify their military support for Ukraine and build up a constant military presence in the region, he added.

"In this sense, we must necessarily always take each step carefully without succumbing to emotions and know the whole cynicism of what the Americans are doing and be ready for any scenario, including the worst-case development, without yielding to provocations," the senior Russian senator said.

"The Americans normally lack any strategy. It was absent in Iraq, Libya and Syria and it was absent in Afghanistan and possibly, it is absent now in the Black Sea. I have a feeling that the Americans are using a process of trial-and-error," Kosachev said.

The US 6th Fleet announced on its Twitter on Monday that its flagship, command ship Mount Whitney was heading for the Black Sea for joint operations with NATO forces. On October 30, the US guided missile destroyer Porter entered the Black Sea for joint operations with the alliance’s forces.

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