Military experts say mobilizing reservists common at large-scale drills like Zapad-2021

Military & Defense September 06, 2021, 16:37

Viktor Litovkin noted that as a rule this sort of call-up lasts no more than one-and-a-half to two months and assumes that reservists receive cash payments

MOSCOW, September 6. /TASS/. The mobilization of reservists is a common practice at such large exercises as Zapad-2021, military expert Viktor Murakhovsky said on Monday.

Earlier on Monday, the website of the Russian Defense Ministry reported that reservists were transferred to the Kaliningrad Region to participate in drills. "This is due to the preparation of the Zapad-2021 exercises. According to mobilization instructions, engaging reservists is a typical procedure for conducting operational and strategic exercises or for retraining," he said.

According to him, reservists are also called up when declaring martial law during the deployment of the armed forces. "Mobilization training is always conducted within the framework of such exercises. Based on the experience of the Vostok-2018 exercises, several thousand people were called up," Murakhovsky noted. By that time, units had been deployed in Kamchatka involving several thousand reservists.

In turn, another military expert, Viktor Litovkin, said that as a rule this sort of call-up lasts no more than one-and-a-half to two months and assumes that reservists receive cash payments.

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