Russian missile boats eliminate enemy naval force in Pacific drills

Military & Defense April 17, 2020, 12:07

A Tu-142 long-range anti-submarine warfare plane of the Pacific Fleet’s naval aviation and the large amphibious assault ship Oslyabya provided support for the missile boats’ operations, the Fleet said

MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. The Pacific Fleet’s missile boats struck a notional enemy’s naval force with cruise missiles during drills, the Fleet’s press office reported on Friday.

"During the drills, six missile boats within two tactical groups conducted an encounter battle with notional cruise missile strikes against the enemy naval force. This episode practiced the entire algorithm of measures when launching a missile attack, except for the physical launch," the press office said in a statement.

A Tu-142 long-range anti-submarine warfare plane of the Pacific Fleet’s naval aviation and the large amphibious assault ship Oslyabya provided support for the missile boats’ operations, the statement says.

The missile boats also held drills for jointly repelling the notional enemy’s air attack, the press office said.

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