Ukraine gov't to sum up results of economic reforms Wed

Archive November 02, 2011, 2:58

Yanukovich set the following goal: to prepare a good legislative and normative framework for cardinal changes in the country on the basis of reforms

KIEV, November 2 (Itar-Tass) — An enlarged meeting of the Ukrainian government and the Committee on Economic Reforms  is to be held here on Wednesday, with President Viktor Yanukovich in the chair, to sum up the results of economic reforms.

Presidential administration head Sergei Lyovochkin said, "It is planned to review what has been done and in which areas, and where it is necessary to step up efforts so that all the tasks set by the President could be accomplished".

At the beginning of this year, Yanukovich set the following goal: to prepare a good legislative and normative framework for cardinal changes in the country on the basis of reforms. A National Action Plan to implement reforms was made public later on.

Irina Akimova, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, said, for her part, "An intermediate report on all areas of work will be made at Wednesday's meeting, and reforms that are being effected in the country will be evaluated".

Yanukovich believes that the economic situation in Ukraine gradually improves. Speaking at international municipal hearings here on Monday, he said, "We gradually pull Ukraine out of the economic precipice, into which it slipped down in the 2008-2009 period. The country has now managed to reach out almost to the pre-crisis level of development".

The President also spoke of the presence of "substantial risks" for the development of the State." He pointed to "the superhigh gas price, which influences practically all segments of Ukraine's economy," as "the most serious problem".

Lyovochkin also said that a Cabinet staff reshuffle is not ruled out following the government's enlarged meeting, to which regional governors have been also invited. "Yanukovich is working on the (Cabinet) staff issue," he said, declining to name  ministers "who did not live up to the high trust placed in them".

According to unconfirmed data, up to five members of the government may lose their positions.

The Cabinet headed by Premier Nikolai Azarov, was formed  on March 11, 2010, after Yanukovich win at the presidential elections. Since then, the Health Minister and Minister for Emergencies were replaced.

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