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Pro-government rallies held in Iran to protest violence — media

The anti-government protests broke out on December 28 in Iran’s second largest city of Mashhad, initially against price rises, and later expanded to other provinces

MOSCOW, January 3. /TASS/. Thousands of Iranians are taking part in pro-government demonstrations across the country, Mehr news agency reported on Wednesday.

Demonstrators carrying national flags and portraits of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are protesting against the unrest, which began in the Islamic Republic last week, the agency reported.

The anti-government protests broke out on December 28 in Iran’s second largest city of Mashhad, initially against price rises, and later expanded to other provinces. At least 20 people were killed in clashes with the police. More than 450 protesters were arrested.

The pro-government rallies are taking place in Qom, Arak, Kermanshah, Ahwaz and other Iranian cities.

According to Fars news agency, similar demonstrations will be held on Friday in Tehran province.
