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Macron says France seeks to bring Russia and US closer

France favors dialogue, but wants not just to be heard and understood, but to be respected as well, the French president has noted

PARIS, May 31. /TASS/. French President Emmanuel Macron pointed to France’s special role in the global community as a country that is fostering ties not only with Russia and the US, but between them as well, Spokesperson for the French Government Christophe Castaner said today after a ministerial meeting.

"France’s role is to bring its partners back to the common circle if they leave it," Castaner quoted French President Emmanuel Macron who chaired the meeting. "The diplomacy is based on a dialogue and, when needed, on a balance of power," the spokesperson said, commenting on what had been said regarding international issues at the ministerial meeting. Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian and Minister for European Affairs Marielle de Sarnez took part in the meeting.

"France favors dialogue, but wants not just to be heard and understood, but to be respected as well," the spokesperson stressed. "This concerns both French-Russian and French-US relations." "France has an opportunity to interact with each of these countries, which is not a delicate balance, but, on the contrary, a chance to outline France’s demanding position," Castaner highlighted.

"As the world is becoming more and more complicated, changing from a bilateral to a multilateral system, it is essential that France establishes ties between its partners," he said.

"During his speech at the ministers’ meeting, the French president highlighted the importance of extending cultural and scientific cooperation with Russia, following the previous discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Versailles," Castaner said.