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Bionic prostheses may be included in Russia's state health insurance - minister

Earlier, the health minister named bionic technologies, along with regenerative medicine and cell technologies among the most promising areas in the Russian healthcare

MOSCOW, December 30. /TASS/. Advanced technologies, including bionic prostheses, may be included in Russia’s state-funded health insurance system, Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said in an interview with the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

"Bionic prostheses, various brain-computer [interface] technologies and so on have already become a reality. So far, they have not been included into the list of high-tech medical services, and our task is to find resources to apply those technologies as part of the [state-run health insurance] system, after they undergo clinical trials to confirm their importance and the need for their wider use," she said.

Earlier, Skvortsova named bionic technologies, along with regenerative medicine and cell technologies among the most promising areas in the Russian healthcare.