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Russia to vaccinate journalists working abroad, diplomat says

Earlier, Russian Foreign Ministry told TASS that vaccination of Russian diplomatic mission employees and their families is voluntary and it allows opting for an alternative vaccine

MOSCOW, February 19. /TASS/. Russia will not omit journalists, accredited abroad, during the vaccination of extraterritorial employees, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Russian TV Friday.

"We never forget about journalists. Although we have already discussed this topic with the management of the VGTRK, I would like to remind once more that these matters are being decided upon by the [federal coronavirus prevention] anti-crisis center, and we simply implement its decisions," she said.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Ministry told TASS that vaccination of Russian diplomatic mission employees and their families is voluntary and it allows opting for an alternative vaccine. This process takes into account the possibility of delivery of the Russian vaccine to various country, local medical options and availability of necessary medical infrastructure in the diplomatic missions.