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Peskov refutes interpretations of his words about Putin’s contacts with Poroshenko

Earlier in the day, a number of media cited Kremlin spokesman’s interview, where he allegedly told about Putin’s non-public meetings with Poroshenko

MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has refuted media interpretations of his words about contacts between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian leader Pyotr Poroshenko.

Earlier in the day, a number of media cited Peskov’s interview with the Deistvuyushchiye Litsa (Political Actors) with Nailya Askar-zade program on the Rossiya-1 television channel, where he allegedly told about Putin’s non-public meetings with Poroshenko.

"No one have ever told anout any meetings," Peskov told TASS. "I said nothing in my interview about such meetings.".

During the interview, the host asked when Putin has the latest meeting with Poroshenko. She recalled that "last year saw such contacts that were reported to the press after several months," obviously referring to Poroshenko’s statements of May 2017 that he had had a telephone conversation with Putin two months before. The Kremlin press service said nothing about that conversation.

When answering Nailya Askar-zade’s questions spoke about Putin’s international contacts in general. "The president holds a lot of meetings and contacts of non-public nature and we don’t inform about them. It is a routine practice. So, when you see the president’s rich daily agenda of dozens of various meetings, news conferences, statements, talks and so forth, it doesn’t mean that the president’s working day is limited to it: it is much more rich and busy than you can see on television. So, indeed, there can be meetings we don’t report to the mass media," Peskov said in his interview.