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Russia's Kaspersky Lab denies accusations of engaging in cyber espionage

The Trump administration earlier restricted the use of Kaspersky Lab products by US government agencies amid rumors about the company’s links to Russian intelligence agencies

MOSCOW, July 12. /TASS/. Kaspersky Lab has no political connections with any countries around the world and is not involved in cyber spying, the company’s press service told TASS.

The Trump administration earlier restricted the use of Kaspersky Lab products by US government agencies amid rumors about the company’s links to Russian intelligence agencies in the US mass media.

"Kaspersky Lab is a private company and has no political ties with any countries anywhere in the world. The company has never assisted the governments of any countries in carrying out cyber espionage," the press service states.

The company also noted that US officials had repeatedly been offered Kaspersky’s cooperation, including the official verification of the software code.

Kaspersky Lab is willing to help any government agencies in their investigation of its activities, as the company is fully convinced that any in-depth study of its work can only confirm that accusations of bias are totally unsubstantiated," the press service emphasized.