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Rosatom to begin construction of unit 7 at China’s Tianwan NPP in 2021

The director of the engineering division of Rosatom said the deadlines are "tight"

MOSCOW, November 12. /TASS/. The construction of the 7th power unit of the Tianwan Nuclear Plant in China will begin in 2021, Vladimir Savushkin, director of the Moscow office of Atomstroyexport, or ASE, the engineering division of Russia’s state nuclear corporation Rosatom, said in an interview with the Strana Rosatom (Rosatom Country) newspaper.

"Together with the Chinese partners, we have already built four power units at this site and thus have paved the way for further projects. Cooperation continues, now on the basis of Russia’s newest 3+ generation technologies. We have tight deadlines - in 2021 we are to begin construction works at Tianwan-7," he said.

On the sidelines of the China International Import Expo in Shanghai on November 6, ASE and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) signed executive contracts for the construction of new units at the Tianwan Nuclear Plant (units 7 and 8). Rosatom has begun to develop technical project documentation and is negotiating a framework contract for the construction works.

The Tianwan Nuclear Plant is the biggest Russian-Chinese economic cooperation project. Units 1 and 2 were commissioned in 2007. Unit 3 was put into operation in December 2017, and unit 4 - in October 2018.
