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17 Mar 2018, 06:00

US hampers arrival of humanitarian organizations, UN mission to Raqqa in Syria

According to the Defense Ministry, "the United States, Great Britain and the countries of the "coalition" are now completely ignoring the fulfillment of their own obligations in Syria"

MOSCOW, March 17. /TASS/. The United States is hampering the arrival of any representatives of humanitarian organizations and the UN mission to Raqqa in Syria, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Saturday.

"The US is continuing to hamper the arrival of any representatives of humanitarian organizations to Raqqa, let alone the agreement on the arrival of the UN mission to the city, which should register the scale of the humanitarian disaster in order to determine the amount of emergency humanitarian assistance to the remaining population," the Defense Ministry said.

According to the Defense Ministry, "the United States, Great Britain and the countries of the "coalition" that intensively worked for the faster adoption of UN Security Council resolution 2401, are now completely ignoring the fulfillment of their own obligations in Syria."

On February 24, 2018, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2401 on establishing a ceasefire in Syria for at least 30 days to provide humanitarian assistance to the population. According to the document, the truce does not apply to the Islamic State and the Jabhat al-Nusra (terrorist groups banned in Russia - TASS).
