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Popular Front is only the beginning – Medvedev


SOCHI, May 12 (ITAR-TASS) - The organizational issues of an all-Russian Popular Front will be settled soon. The front will make up a declaration that will be a charter document of the organization and will pick up its own venue in Moscow, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the activists of the new union here on Thursday.

"We should pick up a neutral venue, where we can meet. We will do it in Moscow within a week," Putin said.

Summing up the results of the Thursday discussion the prime minister noted that he "had a strong feeling that the work began." "This initiative really received the response from very many people and organizations," he stated.

Meanwhile, the prime minister, who is also the United Russia chairman, acknowledged that "we have something else to work on." "We should develop the mechanisms, instruments and blood vessels to bring the ideas to the level at which the decisions are taken," Putin noted.

He also noted that President Dmitry Medvedev supported the idea of the creation of the Popular Front. "We were discussing it quite in detail with Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, discussed all issues and he supports what we are doing," he underlined.

Putin put forward the initiative to create an All-Russian Popular Front on May 6 at a United Russia regional party conference in Volgograd.

The Popular Front is open for all organizations, which share its goals and tasks, the premier said. "This is primarily a stronger unity in the country, the construction of a strong, democratic and sovereign Russia with an efficient market economy, which is based on the principles of social partnership and the freedom of business initiative, competition and responsibility of employers," Putin said at the meeting on Thursday. "We believe that the pledge for Russia's successful development is to keep civil inter-ethnic peace, accord, mutual respect and solidarity of various ethnos, religions, generations and professions," Putin added.

The Popular Front is under creation "to put into practice those constructive ideas so that the civil society could have another opportunity to participate directly in working out and taking the most important state decisions and strategies." "For social lifts to work efficiently each person, who has some potential, the creative energy and the striving to work for Russia, could demonstrate his abilities," Putin added.

He confirmed that members of the All-Russian Popular Front will be able to be put on the United Russia party list in the elections in the State Duma in December 2011. The party election program will be common for all candidates. Moreover, Putin stated that the program "should be made up as a result of the broadest discussion in all organizations, which are incorporated in the All-Russian Popular Front." "All should feel themselves like and really be participants in this joint work to make this program really common," he underlined.

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