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Christians unite for Easter festivities


MOSCOW, April 24 (ITAR-TASS) - The most significant Christian holiday of Christ's Resurrection has arrived in Russia. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill led the night Easter service at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow on Saturday night.

According to the latest opinion poll, about 90% of Russians are celebrating Easter in 2011. Every tenth respondent planned to go to the church to attend the night service. A paschal liturgy and a cross procession will also be held on Sunday morning. They will take place every day during the Bright Week.

In his Easter address the head of the Russian Orthodox Church called on all people to be optimistic because, as he said, Easter marks the triumph of life over death.

"No matter what difficult circumstances we are going to face and overcome in this life, our perception of the world should be calm and joyful because Christ has risen," the patriarch said.

On the first Easter day, Patriarch Kirill will visit cancer patients at Moscow's biggest oncology centre on Kashirskoye highway where both children and adults undergo treatment.

Easter services are held in all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church. There are more than 30,000 of them around the globe.

This year, believers of the Eastern and Western tradition are marking the main Christian holiday together for the fifth time in the 21st century. The next coincidence will be in 2014.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and their spouses are attending the Easter service at Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour led by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin is also present.

Medvedev believes that Easter celebrations occupy a special place in Russian society. In one of his previous Easter greetings Medvedev noted that Easter festivities brought moral regeneration, filled the hearts of people with light and human warmth and strengthened belief in the good and justice.



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